Просмотр шрифта Lucida Sans Unicode

Lucida Sans Unicode Regular

Lucida Sans Unicode Regular

Характеристики шрифта

Гротески (без засечек)
Размер шрифта:
316.39 килобайт
Формат шрифта:

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Название шрифтаLucida Sans Unicode
ИдентификаторLucida Sans Unicode Regular; B&H; April 15, 1993;
СемействоLucida Sans Unicode
Версия шрифтаVersion 2.00
Полное названиеLucidaSansUnicode
Торговая маркаLucida is a registered trademark of Bigelow & Holmes Inc.
КопирайтCharacteristics: Large x-height, making it readable at all sizes. Uses: Wide range of uses including directories, tables, forms, memos, telefaxes, manuals, heads, titles, posters, and displays. Guidelines: At larger sizes (14 points or more), subtracting a few units of letter spacing gives a tighter look. When using all capitals, you can use small amounts of additional letter spacing. At larger sizes, space capitals more tightly. Complementary fonts include Lucida Bright, Lucida Arrows, and Lucida Stars. Lucida Fax at smaller sizes and lower resolutions. The ampersands, interrobangs, and circled Lucida Sans numerals in Lucida Icons combine well.