Просмотр шрифта Insula

Insula Regular

Insula Regular

Характеристики шрифта

Красивые, Фотошоп
Размер шрифта:
153.26 килобайт
Формат шрифта:

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Поделиться с друзьями

Название шрифтаInsula
ИдентификаторInsula: 2001
Версия шрифта1.0
Полное названиеInsula
ДизайнерCybaPee & Apostrophe
КопирайтThis font is based on post-roman insular latin writing. It is one of the many transliterations that the lab has been offering of late in an attempt to avail a wider range of choices to the international user. This font contains support for Western European, Greek, Cyrillic, Turkish, Baltic, and Central European languages. The concept and design of this font were aided by the following books: Keith Sidwell, Reading Medieval Latin - Hrotswitha, Dulcitius and Paphnutius, ed. Paul Pascal - Waltharius, ed. Gernot Wieland - Leo F. Stelton, Dictionary of Ecclesiastical Latin. Peace.
Адрес сайта дизайнераwww.apostrophiclab.com
Адрес сайта поставщикаmailto:[email protected]