Просмотр шрифта PF Agora Sans Pro

PF Agora Sans Pro XThin Italic

PF Agora Sans Pro XThin Italic

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Размер шрифта:
66.63 килобайт
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Другие начертания этого шрифта

PF Agora Sans Pro Black Italic
PF Agora Sans Pro Light Italic
PF Agora Sans Pro Thin Italic
PF Agora Sans Pro Thin
PF Agora Sans Pro UltraBlack
PF Agora Sans Pro Bold
PF Agora Sans Pro Bold Italic
PF Agora Sans Pro Light
PF Agora Sans Pro XThin
PF Agora Sans Pro Italic
PF Agora Sans Pro Regular
PF Agora Sans Pro UltraBlack Italic
PF Agora Sans Pro Medium
PF Agora Sans Pro Medium Italic
PF Agora Sans Pro Black
Название шрифтаAlfios
ИдентификаторAlfios Italic
СемействоAlfios Italic
Версия шрифтаVersion 1.01
Полное названиеAlfiosItalic
Торговая маркаAlfios is not a merchandise.
ДизайнерGeorge Douros
КопирайтLowercase upright Greek were designed in 1805 by Firmin Didot (1764  1836) and cut by Walfard and Vibert. The typeface, together with a complete printing house, was donated in 1821 to the new Greek state by Didot s son, Ambroise Firmin Didot (1790  1876). Lowercase italic Greek were designed in 1802 by Richard Porson (1757  1808) and cut by Richard Austin. They were first used by Cambridge University Press in 1810. Capitals, Latin and Cyrillic, as well as the complete bold weights, have been designed in an attempt to create a well-balanced font. The font covers the Windows Glyph List, Greek Extended, various typographic extras and some Open Type features (Numerators, Denominators, Fractions, Old Style Figures, Historical Forms, Stylistic Alternates, Ligatures); it is available in regular, italic, bold and bold italic.
Адрес сайта дизайнераhttp://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/
Адрес сайта поставщикаmailto:[email protected]
Описание лицензииFonts in Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts  are offered free for any use; they may be opened, edited, modified, regenerated, posted, packaged and redistributed. George Douros Kolokotroni 3 Larissa 41223 Greece
Адрес сайта с лицензиейhttp://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/