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Adys Bold

Adys Bold

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Размер шрифта:
156.21 килобайт
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Название шрифтаADYS Bold
Версия шрифтаVersion 5.001;PS 005.001;hotconv 1.0.88;makeotf.lib2.5.64775
Полное названиеADYS-Bold
ДизайнерKristina Kostova
КопирайтAdys font was created during the masters degree Font in the National Academy of Arts throughout the academic period covering the years from 2014 until 2016. Designed to help people who suffer from dyslexia in minor stages. However, it does not create any discomfort for people who do not have any specific symptoms. This is what makes it suitable for widespread use. Adys has some unique differences that are more appliable for the specific needs of the reader. The use of different constructive elements for the construction of common visual signs. These give individuality to the signs. Allowing the sufferers from dyslexia to differentiate signs from one another, which in standard fonts have visual similarity. Allows for the easier differentiation of signs and imparts diversity in the texts rhythm. Open signs give the text a wider extent and they increase the readability. The typical ascenders and descenders allow for the easier and point-blank recognition of the signs. This breaks down the monotony of reading. The average reader reads through the model of recognition of the form of the word. When the form is clearly expressed from more typical higher and lower lengths puts the reader at ease and this leads to the quicker recognition of words. For a dyslexic person reading through the form of a word is a process, which is hard to form, even impossible in some cases. A bigger distance between the letters in a word allow the eye to easily intake the empty space within the sign, which is one of the main preconditions for the recognition of the grapheme. Furthermore the increase of the spacing between the words imparts more air in the paragraph and does not close the eye of the reader.
Адрес сайта дизайнераhttp://adysfont.com/about/
Адрес сайта поставщикаhttp://adysfont.com/contacts/
Описание лицензииPlease contact the vendor to learn more about license restrictions.
Адрес сайта с лицензиейhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/