Просмотр шрифта Trebuchet MS

Trebuchet MS Regular

Trebuchet MS Regular

Характеристики шрифта

Гротески (без засечек)
Размер шрифта:
130.96 килобайт
Формат шрифта:

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Другие начертания этого шрифта

Trebuchet MS Bold Italic
Trebuchet MS Bold
Trebuchet MS Italic
Название шрифтаTrebuchet MS
ИдентификаторMicrosoft Trebuchet
СемействоTrebuchet MS
Версия шрифтаVersion 1.23
Полное названиеTrebuchetMS
Компания-производительMicrosoft Corp.
ДизайнерVincent Connare
КопирайтTrebuchet, designed by Vincent Connare in 1996, is a humanist sans serif designed for easy screen readability. Trebuchet takes its inspiration from the sans serifs of the 1930s which had large x heights and round features intended to promote readability on signs. The typeface name is credited to a puzzle heard at Microsoft, where the question was asked, "could you build a Trebuchet (a form of medieval catapult) to launch a person from the main campus to the consumer campus, and how?" The Trebuchet fonts are intended to be the vehicle that fires your messages across the Internet. "Launch your message with a Trebuchet page".
Адрес сайта дизайнераhttp://www.microsoft.com
Адрес сайта поставщикаhttp://www.microsoft.com/typography/